wildlife safaris

The Best Wildlife Safari Season in India


India is home to fabulous wildlife. From roaring Royal Bengal Tigers to Asiatic Lions, herds of mighty Asian Elephants to one-horned rhinoceros, deer, gaur, flocks of birds’ even ones visiting from distant lands, India is blessed with wildlife. Besides coming close to the wilderness, wildlife holidays in India includes stay at jungle resorts, jeep safaris, elephant rides, nature walk with experts and other incredible experiences. India’s wildlife safari season is traditionally between the months from October to June, with the exception of monsoon season when most of the wildlife sanctuaries and national parks remain closed. Even in the wildlife safari season, there is a best time for the thrilling adventure.

Elephant Safaris in India

When making plans for a wildlife holiday in India, here is to understand the best time and suitable weather conditions.

Tiger watching between November and February, the mornings can be very cold, so bring hats and gloves. A hot water bottle even. Although be prepared to take off layers later in the day, when temperatures go up to the mid twenties.

The opposite is the case if you go in search of tigers between March and June, when the temperatures can hit mid 40s centigrade. You need to be veary well prepared, and know that you can stand such heat for long periods of the day.

Most national parks in India close July, August, September and through until about mid October for monsoon season, so always check with your tour operator.

Periyar National Park, however, stays open all year round. The most popular time to visit is during the cooler, drier months from October to February. It is particularly vibrant just after monsoon, and there are fewer people. Periyar is always packed at weekends, however, so try and stick to weekdays.

The best time for viewing elephants in Kerala is during the hotter months of March and April, when they spend the most time in the water.

The only time to see snow leopard in Ladakh is between November and March, when they come down from the snow covered peaks in search of food. February and March are a bit more accessible for visitors though, so best to travel during those times.

In Gujarat, Gir National Park is closed mid-June to mid-October for monsoon season. November until March are more bearable climate wise, but for top animal watching April and May are best – but boiling. However, witnessing the Rann of Kutch Desert fill up during monsoon season is a sight to behold too.

National parks can pack out during Indian public holidays and festivals, and there are many of them. So do check in advance if you are going to clash with one. Which would be fun, but it will be busy. The big ones include 26th January for Republic Day, and Diwali which falls October or November.

In many of the parks, the vegetation is high after the monsoon around mid-October, which means that wildlife can be harder to spot. However, the landscapes look stunning during this time.

For bird watching in Northern India, October to May is a good time for resident and migratory species, post and pre monsoons. In Kerala, March to May is blazing hot.

UNESCO World Heritage National Parks & Sanctuaries in India


India is blessed with wildlife, infact the lure of iwildlife safaris drwas visitors from all over the world. With the incredible chance to spot wildlife in their natural habitats India's national parks and sanctuaries are not just known for the flora and ffauna but are known for unique ecology. Several of  India's national parks are exemplary models in the preservation of several endangered species, while also providing a natural habitat for the others. Many such parks are enlisted as UNESCO Wolrd Heritage Sites, which are nothing short of a treat to explore.

From Kaziranga National Park in Assam famed for its one-horned rhinoceros, to the Great Himalayan National Park in Himachal Pradesh, these parks offer a perfect dose of entertainment and surprises. No wonder, they teem with tourists throughout the year. One experiences thrills in many ways here, from penetrating deep into the forest through an elephant ride to enjoying a trek through the all-encompassing wilderness.

Have you visited any sanctuaries and parks throughout the country? If not, you have missed out on a delightful and fascinating experience. Through this blog, we tell you the UNESCO World Heritage National Parks & Sanctuaries in India which should be visited at least once in a lifetime.

Kaziranga National Park

Kaziranga National Park

Kaziranga National Park was declared a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site in 1985. It’s the most important and natural habitat for in-situ conservation of biological diversity which also includes the threatened species of universal value. Considered to be a nature’s gift to mankind, it’s worth visiting at least once in a lifetime.

The foremost attraction is the one-horned rhinoceros, characterized by its enormous body and massive horn. On a lucky day, one may also come across a herd of elephants with their majestic tuskers. The other attractions here are hog deer, sambar and swamp deer. Kaziranga also boasts a rich avifauna, and is a paradise for birdwatchers. It’s also common to see hornbills and cranes here.

Manas National Park

Manas National Park, located in the Himalayan foothills of Western Assam, was a game reserve since 1928 until it became a Tiger Reserve in 1974, a World Heritage Site in 1985 and finally, a Biosphere Reserve in 1989. It was ultimately declared as a National Park in 1990. This famous wildlife sanctuary in India is also part of the Chirang-Ripu Elephant Reserve which serves as the international corridor for elephant migration between India and Bhutan. The park harbors more than 20 endangered species.

The golden langur, considered to be the one of the world’s rarest simian species, was first spotted in Manas in the mid-20th century. The mammals commonly found here are rhesus macaque, tiger, pygmy hog, the large Indian civet and Himalayan black bear, besides others.

Keoladeo National Park

Keoladeo National Park

Keoladeo National Park, formerly known as the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, is acclaimed for being one of the world’s most important bird breeding and feeding grounds. It originally served as a royal hunting reserve during the 1850’s besides being a game reserve for Maharajas and the British. Keoladeo was declared a national park in 1982 and later listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985.

The park is home to over 370 species of birds and animals such as the basking python, painted storks, deer, nilgai and so on. Salim Ali, the noted Indian ornithologist and naturalist, used his influence to garner government support to create this park. This park is home to a number of well-defined treks which can be covered either on foot, cycle or rickshaw.

Nanda Devi National Park

Nanda Devi National Park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988. In the year 2004, it was further notified as a World Network of Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. It’s dominated by the Nanda Devi Peak which is India’s second highest peak. An abundance of unique flora and fauna here like Brahma-Kamal and Bharal (blue mountain goat) makes this park one of its kind.

The Nanda Devi Sanctuary is divided into two parts – inner and outer. Together, they are surrounded by the main sanctuary wall. The common kinds of mammals found here are Himalayan musk deer, mainland serow and Himalayan Tahr. It’s also home to a wide variety of flora, some of which are fir, birch and rhododendron, among others.

Kanchendzonga National Park

Khangchendzonga National Park is one of the most famous wildlife sanctuaries in northeast India. Spread across an area of 1,784sq.km, it’s the largest wildlife reserve in Sikkim, and gets its name from Khangchendzonga, which straddles the western boundary of the park. The reserve is also home to the Zemu Glacier and has been blessed with one of the most magnificent eco-systems in the world.

This national park is home to the snow leopard, Himalayan black bear, Tibetan antelope, wild ass, barking deer, musk deer, flying squirrel and the red panda, among others. The vegetation here includes giant magnolias, rhododendrons and pine forests.

Sundarbans National Park

Sundarbans National Park

Sundarbans National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the largest reserves of Bengal tigers in the world. Part of the Sundarbans on the Ganges Delta, it’s also home to a variety of birds, reptiles and invertebrate species, including saltwater crocodiles. It derives its name from the Sundari trees, which are a kind of mangrove tree found in large numbers here.

This area is most famous for the Royal Bengal Tigers, which are found in large numbers. They can be seen bathing on the river banks, or swimming in the saline waters. Apart from the tiger, the other kinds of fauna found here are leopard cats, fishing cats, Indian grey mongoose and chital, besides others. Some of the birds found in this area are open bill storks, black-headed ibis, herring gulls, Caspian terns and white-bellied sea eagles, apart from others.

Great Himalayan National Park

The Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area (GHNPCA), a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. It houses a wide range of flora and fauna, and a major part of the national park is permanently under glaciers and ice.

The park boasts an impressive variety of flora including ban oak forest, moist deodar forest, western mixed coniferous forest and rhododendron scrub forest. The fauna too is as impressive as the flora. The major wildlife species found in the area include snow leopard, musk deer, wolf, ibex, common langur and Himalayan black bear, among others.

Monsoon Wildlife Safaris in India


Wildlife safari in the monsoon? Seems difficult right? But in India, there is always a choice. Given the geographical expanse and different weather conditions, there are many options to wildlife safaris open all year round, including monsoon. True, monsoon wildlife safaris in India is not traditionally the favourite but it is certainly an interesting time. Most of the national parks and wildlife sanctauries close down for visitors on the 30th of June and reopen on the 1st of October, with certain exceptions.

So, if you are thinking of spending time amid lush greenery of the forests, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, then here are some of the best places to check out.

Periyar National Park, Kerala

Periyar National Park

Settled on the banks of the Periyar Lake, Periyar national park is known for its elephant population. This park is not just open during the monsoon, it is in fact the best time. Spot herds of elephants and monkeys in the lush jungles. The bloom of orchids sprouting wild everywhere is a sight to not miss out on. If luck favours, you get to spot a tiger (there are around 40 of them), barking deer, sambar and avian life like darters, cormorant, kingfisher, the great Malabar hornbill and racket-tailed drongos. Besides jeep safari, you can also take an early morning boat ride and stay at one of the jungle treehouses and cottages.

Jim Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand

Jim Corbett National Park

Incredible Wildlife Safaris in India suited for Summer


Safari in the natural forest is expedition to observe the wildlife in its natural habitat. There are several sanctuaries and national parks in India that captivate wildlife photographers to click some of the best views, enclosing candid moments and rare sights.

Corbett National Park
Located in Uttarakhand one of the places for wildlife photography, where the jeep safari goes deep inside the park. It is famous for sightseeing of large carnivorous mammals, and it gives photographers candid moments. There are apparently five different zones in the park consisting of different flora and fauna. The rich biodiversity gives the photographers a notably brilliant chance to catch the candid moments and also splendid photographs. The Himalayan foothill gives it an extra edge over other parks. Catching a tiger before your splendid lenses will not be easy, but you can try your luck. Also Read - Vulnerable Wildlife at Risk As 116 Animals Including 11 Rhinos Dead in Assam's Flooded Kaziranga Park

Ranthambore National Park
The park of Rajasthan has its own place in exploring the wildlife. The park of Rajasthan is famous for luxurious train trips and safari. The most commonly sought animal for photography in candid moments is Bengal tigress with its cubs. Machli, one of the tigress is fond of posing before the cameras. This is the perfect place for clicking candid pictures of dangerous animals. Jeep Safari is advised to deepest to the park for spotting the tigers. Here are some places listed above for clicking perfect candid moments in the wildlife. The photographers are advised to take help of experienced guide and photographers for the best experience.

Kabini- Nagarhole National Park
It is one of the most popular haunts for those who love to explore the wilderness and enjoy getting up close with nature. It has a lot to offer right from the Jungle Safari, boating to trekking in Nagarhole Forest. The nature walk in the forest is a must if you want to reconnect with the surroundings and nature all over again. The jungle safari is a wonderful opportunity for all the environmental enthusiasts to mingle among the variety of flora and fauna. Enjoy the royal feel of an elephant safari for the view is just spectacular with dense forest all around and at times spotting various animals in their natural surroundings makes the ride worth it. A trip to Kabani can introduce you to the world of misty forests, valleys and watercourse.

Bandipur National Park
Located in Karnataka, this park is famous for its wildlife riches which is 874 square km, and covers many endangered species of animals and flora. Bandipur National Park along with Mudumalai National Park, Wayanad National Park and Nagarhole National Park forms the Nilgiri biosphere reserve. Bandipur is one of India’s first and finest Project-Tiger reserves, and also southern India’s most famous. Its priceless tiger and leopard habitat is home to three rivers and represents in part the best remaining haunt of the endangered Asiatic elephant, Indian wild dog and a plethora of life in all its sublimely understated forms and colours This reserve is the largest protected area in South India and the region with highest number of wild elephants in South Asia.

Periyar Tiger Reserve
Also known as the Thekkady Wildlife Sanctuary, the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary and Tiger Reserve is situated in the hills of the Western Ghats and is home to no less than 1800 flowering plant species, 143 species of orchids, 35 mammal species, and 265 bird species. Other than the Royal Bengal Tigers that reside here, this sanctuary also boasts a substantial population of the Malabar Giant Squirrel, the endangered Lion-Tailed Macaque, Asian Elephant, Leopards, and Smooth-Coated Otters. Visitors to one of India’s finest wildlife sanctuaries can enjoy trekking, elephant rides through the jungle, and boating on the Periyar Lake.

Wildlife Safari in Kaziranga National Park


The wildlife haven in North East India, the Kaziranga National Park is one of the most popular places for jungle safaris in India. Spread over the foothills of the Himalayas besides the Brahmaputra River, the national park is one of the enriched biodiverse habitats. The wildlife sanctuary is most popularly home to one-horned rhinoceros, in fact one-third of the entire population of the species of the world.

One-Horned Rhinoceros in India

The Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve (KNPTR) authorities in Assam have introduced boating, cycling and trekking tours in the fringe area of the park for the first time in its history.

Jeep safaris and elephant  safaris in Kaziranga

Earlier, the park could be explored only via jeep safaris and elephant rides — this is the first time boats, bicycles and trekking have been introduced.

Trekking in Kaziranga

Boat safari in Kaziranga