Dambulla Cave temples --- Dating back to the 1st century BC the Rock Temple and the Caves of Dambulla are a World Heritage Site .
Anuradhapura --- Anuradhapura was the first ancient kingdom and Capital of Sri Lanka. It has many temples, dagobas and monasteries, many of which are now in ruins.
Sigiriya Rock Fortress - A World Heritage Site , the Sigriya Rock Fortress dates back to the 5th century, and is perhaps Sri Lanka’s picture post card monument. It is a massive rock structure jutting out of the forested plains like a giant tooth , and still has the remains of the Fortress and the Royal Palace. The climb up to the Sigiriya Rock Fortress is 1200 steps through the Mirror Wall and the giant stone paws of a lion, Sigiriya means Lion’s Fortress in the local Sri Lankan language, Sinhalese.
Minneriya National Park --- Spread across almost 9000 hectares, the Minneriya National Park is famous for its large population of Elephants, which can be seen in herds of even 100 Elephants roaming together in the jungle and around the lake. Other mammals, reptiles and birds that can be sported in Minneriya National Park include wild buffalos, wild boar, spotted deer, leopards, crocodiles, and almost 200 species of birds.
Polonnaruwa AncientKingdom: Polonnaruwa was founded in the 11thCentury AD and was governed by many Kings. King Parakrambahu I’s reign wasconsidered the most significant for this ancient kingdom. During his reign (12thCentury AD) this second Kingdom of Sri Lanka (after Anuradhapura) was known asthe Golden Age of Polonnaruwa, as Parakrambabu ruled during an era where tradeand agriculture was at its peak.
Popham’s Arboretum: A unique Arboretum inSri Lanka's dry zone established 1963 on 7.5 acres of thorny scrubjungle and abandoned ‘Chena’ land in Dambullawhich is in the geographical centerof our island, where history and culturemerge amidst a natural landscape of waterand mountains. In 1999 further 27 acreswere acquired and added to the arboretum.Come and experience the wonders ofthe dry zone forest, meander alongmarked walking trails with our well informedguides, spend a while at our visitorcenter and museum housed in Sam Popham'scottage designed by Geoffrey Bawa.
Hiriwaduna Trek: Trekkingthrough the Hiriwaduna is an adventure that gets every nature lover excited!Ride a Bullock cart which is Sri Lanka’s oldest form of transportation on anunpaved trail. Then set off on a nature walk through a scrub jungle. If youcome across a stream, you’ll have to wade through it knee deep and later crossa wider tributary on a kind farmer’s catamaran. He’ll take you to inspect theChena Cultivation (Slash and burn agriculture). Immerse yourself in anarchetypal Sri Lankan village, spend time with a farmer harvesting crops, orwatch the children play or enjoy the sight of the village folk as they go abouttheir early morning tasks of fishing or washing clothes at the lake. Wind downto a scrumptious home cooked meal in the heart of the village.